Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year.  We are excited to get things started and see everyone back in the gym.  There have been a few changes in staffing at Woodland this year and the PE department is one of the areas that saw some change.  Mrs. Peterson is not teaching at Woodland this year, however, we are welcoming Mrs. Hanson to Woodland as our new PE teacher.  Mrs. Hanson also teaches at Palmer Lake so her time at Woodland will be short.  Mrs. Carel and Mrs. Hiestand are still holding down the fort at Woodland as well.

We will be starting our school year with some whole group activities, tag games and general movement activities.  All classes will participate in warm-up activities each day when they come to class, that is a routine that we keep for the beginning of every class.  Fall fitness testing will be starting soon.  We will also be moving into some racket and paddle activities as well as some 2 and 4 square for our younger grades.

As always, please help your children to remember tennis shoes on PE days.  Students not wearing tennis shoes are not allowed to participate for safety reasons.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email and we will help you out!

We are looking forward to a great year!